
Sealing Your Metal Roof

Securely sealing a metal roof can be a daunting task. The most obvious, and most serious, problem is the lack of stability. The dimensions of a metal roof are constantly changing. One hundred feet of roof can expand and contract as much as two inches in any single...

Stop Leaks With Roof Coating Systems

It might be tempting to ignore a minor leak in your business’s roof, or even more than one. Many of us spend our workdays “putting out fires,” dealing with routine problems of varying degrees of seriousness. Once you’ve dealt with the immediate issue by moving...

Why Choose Elastomeric Roofing?

Whether you’re about to have a new roof installed or looking to repair or reinforce your current one, you should consider the benefits of a cool roof coating. For flat and low-pitch roofs, white elastomeric solar reflective roof coatings provide the most benefits....